The Telegraph (18/4/10)
"The denouement, far from the David-slaying-Goliath narrative that you might expect to be celebrated, is a messy affair. Dole filed and later dropped a defamation lawsuit against Gertten and turned his film into something of a cause célèbre in activist circles."
The Independent (17/4/10)
The Guardian (16/4/10)
"It seems that US corporations may be reaping a whirlwind of litigation from developing-world communities in Latin America for years to come, and like the cigarette companies, they will fight it every step of the way. What a prospect."
The Evening Standard (16/4/10)
"Dole lost and is now appealing and seems to be suing almost everyone in sight. It may be a never-ending story – but I know whose side I’m on."
View London (16/4/10)
"This is a well made eco-doc that’s gripping, rage-inducing, heart-breaking and heart-warming but also frustrating in equal measure. Worth seeing."